Semolina Protein Porridge with Plums

Semolina Protein Porridge with Plums

Enjoy our vegan recipe Semolina Protein Porridge with Plums by feastr. Ideal to lose weight. Balanced, quick, and very tasty.

Nutritional information:

Calories2371 kJ (566 kcal)
Protein26 g
Fat8 g
Carbohydrates87 g
Fiber15 g


cutting board, bowl, pot, chef's knife, whisk, Spoon

Recipe instructions:


Core the plums and add into a pot alonogside the orange juice. cinnamon and water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes.

  • 2 Plums (~ 4.4 oz)
    2 Plums (~ 4.4 oz)
  • 1 Orange (~ 5.6 oz)
    1 Orange (~ 5.6 oz)
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon, ground
    ½ tsp Cinnamon, ground
  • 3 ⁠½ Tbsp Water
    3 ⁠½ Tbsp Water

In a pot, bring the milk to a boil. Pour in semolina in a steady stream, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Cook until porridge thickens, turn off the heat and add the yogurt and agave syrup.

  • 1 ⁠¼ cups Plant milk, unsweetened (e.g. almond)
    1 ⁠¼ cups Plant milk, unsweetened (e.g. almond)
  • 1⁄3 cup Whole wheat semolina
    1⁄3 cup Whole wheat semolina
  • ¾ cup Soy yogurt
    ¾ cup Soy yogurt
  • 2 tsp Agave syrup
    2 tsp Agave syrup

2 minutes before the end of cooking time, mix the starch with water and add into the pot. Let cook while stirring for the remaining 2 minutes and serve with the semolina porridge.

  • 1 tsp Cornstarch
    1 tsp Cornstarch
  • 2 Tbsp Water
    2 Tbsp Water

Enjoy your meal!