Semolina with Warm Cherries

Semolina with Warm Cherries

Enjoy our vegan recipe Semolina with Warm Cherries by feastr. Ideal to lose weight. Balanced, quick, and very tasty.

Nutritional information:

Calories2536 kJ (606 kcal)
Protein24 g
Fat11 g
Carbohydrates94 g
Fiber11 g


large non-stick frying pan, non-stick frying pan, cooking spoon, Spoon, whisk, spatula, pot, bowl

Recipe instructions:


Toast the almonds on medium heat in a non-stick frying pan without oil, stirring occasionally until golden brown and set aside.

  • 1 ⁠½ Tbsp Almonds, chopped
    1 ⁠½ Tbsp Almonds, chopped

Heat the same frying pan over medium heat. Stir in the cherries and vanilla and cook for approx. 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat. Mix the starch with a splash of cold water and add into the pan. Let cook for an additional 2-3 minutes until it starts to thicken.

  • 2 tsp Cornstarch
    2 tsp Cornstarch
  • 1 cup Pitted red tart cherries, canned
    1 cup Pitted red tart cherries, canned
  • Vanilla extract
    Vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp Water
    1 Tbsp Water

In a pot, bring the milk to a boil. Pour in semolina in a steady stream, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Cook until porridge thickens and turn off the heat.

  • 1 ⁠¼ cups Plant milk, unsweetened (e.g. almond)
    1 ⁠¼ cups Plant milk, unsweetened (e.g. almond)
  • 1⁄3 cup Whole wheat semolina
    1⁄3 cup Whole wheat semolina

Add the yogurt and agave syrup to the pot, stir until well combined and put in a bowl.

  • 1⁄3 cup Soy yogurt
    1⁄3 cup Soy yogurt
  • 2 tsp Agave syrup
    2 tsp Agave syrup

Top the semolina porridge with almonds and hot cherries.


    Enjoy your meal!