Quinoa Sweet Potato Bowl

Quinoa Sweet Potato Bowl

Enjoy our vegetarian recipe Quinoa Sweet Potato Bowl by feastr. Ideal to lose weight. Balanced and very tasty.

Nutritional information:

Calories3789 kJ (905 kcal)
Protein45 g
Fat17 g
Carbohydrates126 g
Fiber26 g


cutting board, baking dish, chef's knife, pot

Recipe instructions:


Prepare the quinoa according to the package instructions.

  • ½ cup Quinoa
    ½ cup Quinoa

Preheat the oven to 350 °F.


    Dice the onion, zucchini, and sweet potatoes and put into a baking dish.

    • 1 Onion, red (~ 3 oz)
      1 Onion, red (~ 3 oz)
    • ½ Zucchini (~ 3.9 oz)
      ½ Zucchini (~ 3.9 oz)
    • 5.3 oz Sweet potatoes (w/o skin)
      5.3 oz Sweet potatoes (w/o skin)

    Add the cinnamon, olive oil, cumin, salt and pepper into the bowl and bake for approx. 20-25 minutes until the sweet potatoes are cooked.

    • ½ tsp Cinnamon, ground
      ½ tsp Cinnamon, ground
    • 2 tsp Olive oil
      2 tsp Olive oil
    • ¼ tsp Cumin, ground
      ¼ tsp Cumin, ground
    • Salt
    • Black pepper
      Black pepper

    Finely chop the parsley and mix with the yogurt. Season with lime juice, salt, pepper and honey.

    • ½ cup Low fat greek yogurt
      ½ cup Low fat greek yogurt
    • 2 twigs of Parsley, fresh or frozen (~ 1 tsp)
      2 twigs of Parsley, fresh or frozen (~ 1 tsp)
    • ½ Lime, organic (~ 0.7 oz)
      ½ Lime, organic (~ 0.7 oz)
    • Salt
    • Black pepper
      Black pepper
    • ¾ tsp Honey
      ¾ tsp Honey

    Add the beans into the baking dish 10 minutes before the end of baking time.

    • ¾ cup Kidney beans, canned
      ¾ cup Kidney beans, canned

    Serve the quinoa with the oven veggies and dip.


      Enjoy your meal!